HRS is a family owned and operated business based in South Grafton NSW, established in 2010 by Ray and Susan Loy.

Ray who is a third generation timber worker, recognised the need for the timber industry to find a use for residues produced from the harvesting and sawmilling processes in the industry.

These residues are now transported to a Co-generation plant using purpose built waste bins and multi lift trailers where they are processed to produce Bio Mass fuel for electricity production that supplies power for over thirty five thousand houses. Residues are also used in the agriculture industry as an organic alternative for pasture and crop improvement and is also used for animal bedding.

Since its establishment in 2010 the business has grown and now employs fifteen full time staff members and operates twelve trucks and associated screening and loading plants.

The business now services customers and clients throughout NSW and South East Queensland collecting, delivering and processing sawmill and harvesting residues.

“The aim of the business is to reduce waste by turning waste into a useable product through clever innovations with purpose built machinery, transporting innovations and understanding customers’ needs to best end use by understanding customers’ requirements.”